Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Unfinished Business

OK, So I told myself today would be my 2nd and last workday of the week. ALL I had to do was wake up at 7, be there by 8, and stay until 1. Unfortunately. morning Anna had different plans. By the time my phone alarm went off, I had already decided that since all my fellow teachers were done with their required days, that it really didn't matter which day I went in. So I silenced my phone. When I finally rolled out of bed at noon, I discovered that my fellow teachers DID in fact go in to work, and that in my absence, I was picked to be grade level chair for the upcoming school year. This means more work and more responsibility for no more money. Awesome. I'm used to my procrastination and laziness preventing me from assuming extra responsibilities. I never thought it would EARN me a promotion. Not that this is a promotion. You see, this is what you get when you work with your friends. They know you well enough to know how to REALLY punish you.

What I'm watching and what I'm playing

Speaking of what I'm playing, I am a Sims nerd at heart. It was my first video game obsession. The problem is, I learned how to cheat immediately.  So I always start with these unique goals in mind (Current player: single female wants to be rock star.) But try as I may, the games always end the same way: I marry off my player, move the new couple into a new house (which I designed by googling mansion floor plans) and have 6 children. I ALWAYS end up cheating. I give them unlimited money and freeze their motives (imagine how much you could get done IN REAL LIFE if you never had to eat, sleep, go to the bathroom, or take a shower!) Then I think of a new crazy goal (Let's make this couple perfect gardeners!) and start a new game. There are dozens and dozens of these unfinished games on my computer. Just like the tubs of incomplete crocheted scarves in my spare bedroom, and the countless half-read novels the fill my bookshelves.

But here's the thing. This is a fault that I have no interest in improving. There are plenty of things about myself that I'd like to change, but there are a few "undesirable" ones that I kinda like. I hope one day to be neater, and kinder. But I think I'll probably always start projects that I don't finish. Just like I will always procrastinate.

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